Howard settled a large medical malpractice case early on in his career (2001) on a case all the big firms turned down because they thought it was too hard and risky. Since then Mr. Howard has been counsel on some of the largest jury verdicts in Florida against the biggest hospitals and worse doctors practicing.
In our day to day lives most of us have to put our trust in medical care providers, and unfortunately some doctors (and other staff) have failed to meet the accepted standards of care established by the medical community. If you or a family member has suffered injury or death as a result of negligence, inappropriate actions or errors by a medical professional, it’s possible they may be liable for your injuries or losses.
Here are some examples of potential medical malpractice cases:
Incorrect diagnosis and/or failure to diagnose or recognize the symptoms of a serious issue
Misreading test results or x-rays
Inappropriate amounts or types of medications administered
Failure to treat, monitor or protect patients
The use or misuse of inappropriate or faulty instruments, equipment or machines
Unnecessary or nonconsensual surgery or other treatment
Failure to inform the patient of risks, instructions or other important details